Category: Discernment

Many Sorrows Today

Our Lives often contain moderate to significant degrees of disappointments and sorrows that are generally speaking, acquired during normal aspects of human growth. We are often  being modeled into moderately well-rounded adolescents, that is if we are given the necessary love and nurture that all human beings need in our formative years. If we are given half a chance to excel in this fast paced, pressure filled life, then we may have what it takes to be  success in whatever path that we choose. In this modern society with its modern-day role models, our children  struggle to compete for dominance among their peers  in a variety of areas including sports. Hopefully, they will aspire for greatness in a healthy way. All too often, these so-called role models are athletes that themselves did not have good examples of what a role model should be. These sports stars turn out to have feet of clay, and are eventually overwhelmed by their success and fall into sin. What then are our children to think when their so-called heroes get into trouble and get caught living immoral lives? Our society sells news stories that in some ways tend to glorify their actions and give our children a false example of what is “good”. We do not have real heroes today, those who actually set the good examples that our children need, therefore they end up getting into trouble themselves. Where then will  the true heroes come from? The only true source of the kind of examples that our children need must come from the Bible! The Bible is full of examples of Godly men and women who followed the examples that God provided in his word and succeeded and still are models for our children today like King David. But even David had feet of clay and took his eyes off of God and sinned greatly! His life was filled with sorrows after the incident with Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite. Almost all the heroes from the Bible failed in some way in their lives but God forgave them when they recognized their sin and repented while humbling themselves before God therefore God forgave them and gave them another chance. We must also realize that there are lasting penalties that we must suffer even though God has forgiven you. They are called consequences and we must keep this in mind when we are tempted to sin! There are also in the Bible, examples of those who God chose for greatness, who also failed miserably like Samson. Samson’s family suffered many sorrows as well! If we will use the traditional examples of the Biblical heroes that the Bible provides for our children then they will learn that no man is perfect and that they too will be forgiven by God, if they will only humble themselves in prayer.  For God’s forgiveness is something that He promises that He will do under certain circumstances. First, we must receive His forgiveness by “Faith”, but not just any kind of faith. It must be based on Faith in the “Greatest Sacrifice in The World”, which is the great sacrifice that Christ Jesus made on that tree between two thieves.  A “blood sacrifice” had to be made to pay for our sins. We can not have the necessary means to do this in our own strength. It is by the “Power of God” alone, which was planned to take place before the world began.

If we allow our sorrows to take control of our lives then we will never be able to overcome the  hardships of life that happen to each and every one of us, sooner or later! Those of us who name the name of Christ and truly mean it, will receive the sorrows of Christ at some point in their lives because Jesus said that because He suffered, then we also will suffer! I believe that it means, according to my experience, that those who belong to Satan will provide the trials because they in some respect see Christ in us and because they hated Christ in His day, they will also in our day, cause us to be hated as well! It may seem to you that the wicked prosper, and they do for a while, but eventually they will have a lifetime of sin debt, that will have to be paid! Since they do not have their sins paid for by the blood of Christ then their suffering has only been delayed and their sorrows in hell will not even compare to the sorrows that we had here on Earth. So I say to you, do not wait for you may die tomorrow and then it will be too late for you!

The Nountaineer

Technorati Tags: Holy Spirit,Bible,Supernatural,Spiritual Gifts,Spiritual Warfare,Yeshua,Jesus

The Spiritual Gifts from The Holy Spirit are provided to believers when they receive Eternal Life through Faith in their LORD and Savior, Jesus The Messiah or The Word of God who set aside His Prerogative to stay seated on the Throne of Glory, at the Right Hand of The Father. He then, chose to be born a human being, who are created in the image of God. It was Love that caused Him to do this and pity for this vast sea of humanity who were like sheep without a Shepard, wandering to and fro without hope. Mankind had been cursed along with all of creation and without a sinless Savior to become the Final and most complete sacrifice, there was no hope for humanity. After Our LORD paid the Great Price for our salvation, He then returned to Glory and 10 days later He sent the promised Holy Spirit at the time of Pentecost which meant that Jerusalem was filled with those who chose to worship the God of the Jewish people. This was the beginning of the “Church” which is the body of Christ, Also known as the “Bride of Christ” who will someday be snatched away to meet The Lord in the air or upper atmosphere which is  the “Second Heaven”. Actually, it could be anywhere, from where the clouds are to the outer atmosphere or “space”.

Now back to the “Gifts of The Spirit”. Each “true believer” receives at least one spiritual gift and these are available in the books of 1st Corinthians chapters 12, and 14, 1st Peter chapter 4, Ephesians chapter 4, Romans chapter 4 and of course in the book of Acts which describes the coming of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost. I can not speak very much in-depth about the gifts that I do not personally have but know that at least one of the gifts that I have  is “Spiritual Discernment”. Spiritual Discernment is a gift that is very important today but not many seem to have it or they do not yet realize what it is or how to use it! I have found that this gift is somewhat threatening to people, sometimes because members are not certain of their own salvation! If a person with Spiritual Discernment was incorporated into every body of believers then the “Chaff” would be recognized for who they are and removed or made to understand that they are at best seekers and are not allowed to take communion or take part in Church leadership at all!

Today is a time like no other in the history of the Earth. The battle is raging for the hearts, minds, and souls of our children. The enemy of all mankind has conceived all manner of traps, snares, and deceptions to keep or prevent as many human beings from knowing the Truth which is God’s Truth and no other. The battle is on Earth yet the primary players are in another realm or dimension. This takes an incredible amount of “Spiritual Discernment” as well as caution when defending against an invisible enemy who hates all of humanity because we are created in the image of God and because God is their primary enemy. That which makes it even more difficult to understand is that the battle has already been won by “The Word of God”, when He died on the cross and paid the sin debt for all who will believe a simple yet astonishing truth. “We are “Saved By Faith”. All other religions are in one form or another, “works based” in their understanding of what is “good” and what is needed for atonement, of one sort or another.

The description of this spiritual battle in the Bible has proven to be absolutely true. I know this from personal experience yet it has taken decades for me to even begin to understand why I have seen and experienced all that I have. I finally turned to the Bible after God personally stepped into my life at the age of 30. There was a long interval where I was like a ship without a rudder because I received Christ as my Savior at the age of 6 and for a variety of reasons why, it took a long time for me to look to “The Book” for some answers.  The main reason is, my parents were not saved and soon afterwords stopped taking myself and my siblings to church. Then not long afterwords, they divorced and I was never properly discipled. The “Word of God” is now like daily food that is every bit as important as food for the body. The better the nutrition for the body then the healthier will be the body, and it is the same for our soul and spirit! Without  feeding daily on God’s word, we become not only malnourished but leave ourselves open to attack by “the enemy”. This does not mean that we are not attacked daily any way, it means that we are better prepared to resist the attacks. I have found that for me it is necessary to listen to the audio Bible daily if possible as well as listening every evening to as many of my favorite Bible expositors as possible. Since I live alone it is possible for me to spend most of my waking hours filling my mind with God’s truths. It is something like an immunization. The enemy still tries to get a foot-hold in my life but when his attacks happen, I know why and do not turn and run but stand my ground with the addition of spiritual armor from God and can even use the LORD’s offensive weapon which is God’s Word!

The “Spiritual Gifts” today are more important than ever in my opinion because the church has been invaded by false Christians and it is primarily  the fault of the Church leaders, who for a couple of reasons at least have allowed anyone with money in their pockets to join or simply attend to support all the Church activities as well as because of pride, which is to increase their numbers and become larger than their competing Churches in their area. I know that this sounds harsh and it is, but the truth needs to be made known. The Body of Christ is in trouble for the lack of integrity and for the lack of concern for the purity of “The Body of Christ”. These children of Satan have infiltrated into the Church , just as they have into our government and worked their way into leadership and are steering the Body of Christ down the wide  road that leads to destruction, just as they are doing to our country! The true believers have been deceived into thinking that all of their church activities are somehow accomplishing Christ’s mission for His Church. The leaders have ignored the importance of the “Spiritual Gifts” that work to keep the “Body of Christ” healthy and protected from the wiles of the devil. Lets face it, the Church is in trouble! Without these gifts being incorporated into the “Body”, we have fallen into the hands and plans of Satan, which is to divert the attention of the Church onto less important things and projects instead of winning souls and seeing that they are properly discipled. One of the main issues that arose  in the “Billy Graham Crusades” was that these people who were making decisions for Christ were not being steered to Godly churches to be properly discipled. Therefore the majority of those who made decisions for Christ, fell away! Many never returned to The Lord.  Some did return, but later in life!

The Primary Purpose of the Church is to worship our Creator with praise and thanksgiving while seeking to obey the “Great Commission” which is to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. The Gospel means “Good News”. That is the good news that our Creator and Redeemer has come and paid the great  price which was necessary to  save us from our sin debt which is owed to a Holy God who must be satisfied by a pure blood sacrifice and only Christ Jesus could pay it! We in the body of Christ need to not only worship God but we are to seek and to save the lost with that same good news. It is actually The Holy Spirit who regenerates the spirit. Our job is to plant the seed of the Word of God and also water the seed that has been planted by others and the Spirit gives the growth.

After we have our worship and fellowship, we are to do these very things in our own neighborhoods and at work and even in our schools and government. We are not to fear the repercussions from unbelievers who jeer and ridicule Christians who truly live out their faith and are obedient to God. These things are to be expected and Jesus Himself said”Because they hated Me, they will also hate you”. And they do, especially if you are obedient! The ungodly want us to hide in our churches and our homes and keep the Word of God out of their hearing and to a great degree they have succeeded in browbeating us into submission. When was the last time that you witnessed to your neighbor or someone at work? It takes courage to risk being rejected yet we are commanded to do just that and be prepared for ridicule and scorn! We are also to go into ALL of the world and not just our neighborhoods. There are millions dyeing every year and going into a Christ-less eternity. If we are not personally called to missions then we are called to support those who do go into the mission field! We are to GIVE even until it hurts and then give even more. I must confess that I am also guilty! I have plans to support missions in a big way as soon as the Lord provides the mineral wealth that I have sat on for the last 24 years. It is all according to his timing and his timing is not my timing, as I have so painfully learned through these many years, even decades!

How can we today truly purify the Church, because the body of Christ has become so very worldly? The prosperity in the western world, and America in particular, today has made the” Body Of Christ” soft and weak! We have become factional, divided into a variety of Christian clubs with many divisions and many distractions that keep the Church from its God given course of action to “GO” to seek and to save the lost. We need to take a hard look at the early Church and how they worked as a unit, although scattered around the known world through persecution which was hard yet healthy for the True Church. Affluence has made the body of believers soft and unprepared for spiritual warfare which will come as unexpectedly as is needed for the lord to shake the Church into submission and into obedience to God’s Word. Let it happen soon!

I  must confess again that I am not in compliance and I am trying not to allow myself to use my disabilities as an excuse! I am writing as a means of helping myself, along with others who decide to actually read what God has led me to write because I look to the Lord and His Spirit to give me the words and concepts that will help build the Body of Christ as well as well as bring Glory to Christ!

The Nountaineer

Another Soul Enters Eternity Posted on January 17, 2011



I have felt unusually down-in-the-dumps lately and I have not understood why. Today, I went to a Super Store whose name I will leave unmentioned, and at the next check-out counter I recognized three women of whom two do not live in my neck of- the-woods normally but I knew why they were in the area. The 90-year-old mother of the two sisters were in town because their mother had suffered some Type of heart attack.

I had been in the dark except for a brief description about this woman being in the hospital. We finished checking-out at the same time and I was very anxious to ask about their mother. When I did, I was given the bad news that she had passed away yesterday. I ate lunch with this woman in a semi-public facility a few times each week, and had done so for a few years.

I had been very concerned about her because she had behaved in an unusual way, other than in previous months. Her attitude toward me had changed, even though I took very good care of her. I suspected that it had to do with the fact that I had on a few occasions mentioned that I was a Christian and had made brief comments to another person sitting with us, along those lines. Even though these comments were made to other people seated with us, I suspected that it bothered her somehow. I believe that she was not “Saved”and she had developed hard feelings toward me, because of it, somehow. I am now convinced that The Holy Spirit had worked on her heart but she was resistant. I had waited for an opportunity to witness to her but she never joined the conversation when Christian related comments were made in her hearing.

My heart has been very burdened because of her spiritual condition and somehow, The Holy Spirit was causing me to be troubled over her condition because her time was short! This goes back to other posts that I have written about “Spiritual Gifting”and It was the gift of “Spiritual Discernment” that through God’s Spirit, had troubled me for this past week or longer! Now she is Gone and I am convinced that she is not in a good place because of her stubbornness and now she will have to endure an eternity of punishment.

I can not tell you how saddened I am over this situation and wish it had turned out differently. If you have anyone close to you who you suspect that he or she is not saved then make every effort to talk to them, privately, if possible because you may not have another chance, which was the case in my life. It is too important to allow an opportunity pass by!


The Prospector

My story is both ordinary and extraordinary. I made poor decisions in the first half of my life and am still suffering from the consequences of those decisions. I hope that those who read this will be inspired to think carefully and make decisions that will be honoring to God and will glorify Him. The second half has been very difficult yet rewarding.

At the age of 30 years I was at a rather low point because of deteriorating health and I had reached a point where I could no longer hold a regular job. I was associated with a van customizing shop that had no business to speak of, but the owner allowed me to park a non operable camper van next to the building to sleep in and I manned the office for free allowing the owner to be a playboy in a country western band. It was around the holidays when his visiting uncle approached me about a vision that he had just received about me. This “vision” concept was very new to me because I had not been mentored by a mature Christian in my youth, yet I was willing to listen. He said that this”vision” thing was a semi-normal aspect of his life and it came with colors which told him to share it with me, similar to the colors on a stoplight. It also consisted of 3 numbers and he also gave me 3 airline tickets from Tucson to Baltimore which became available because the Lord had given one of the members of his party “heart problems” to get me on that particular flight. The departure was in a day or two and I only had 8 dollars to my name. I prayed about it the night before the flight and the next day I felt reassured about it. Therefore I  felt that I had been given the peace that I needed to do something so daring. The next afternoon I was on my way with a sleeping bag, duffel bag and a down jacket. There were snow storms in the Baltimore area so I decided to disembark at the first stop which was at the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport. I immediately started hitch-hiking back to Tucson because it had already gotten dark. A series of sexual predators tried to pick me up at first near Ft. Worth but I recognized the threat and declined except for the third one who looked normal enough but after we were on our way he started making propositions that had me very worried that I might need to fight off this pervert. He soon took an exit and let me out. A few minutes later another vehicle stopped and took me an additional 75 miles and then just pulled over on the side of  Interstate 20 and said that this was as far as he was going. I thought that this was a little odd because there were no exits nearby. He just dropped me off and then kept driving. So I ended up in the middle of nowhere on I-20, 80 miles west of my starting point near Ft. Worth. It was 11 pm with no traffic in sight when I stopped so I climbed the side of I-20 to stop to sleep. I chose that spot because I saw an incredible shooting star which circumferenced the sky from south to north. I took it to be a signal that this was where I was to stop to sleep. I awoke at 3:15 am and it had clouded over so I suspected a change in the weather and started hitchhiking again. The third car stopped and off we went westward. The young man who picked me up had also seen the shooting star and stopped to sleep at the same time that I did. We drove for a few hours and then stopped for coffee. It was at that time that I felt inspired to show him the scrap of paper with the 3 numbers written on it. I  then pulled out my wallet, placed the piece of paper on the table and simply  asked him if this meant anything to him since he had earlier indicated that he had a very significant relationship with the Lord. He took one look and immediately said yes that it means “The Lord, Signs and Wonders and Double Signs and Wonders” I was not well versed in the Bible at that time yet accepted what he had just told me. The night before, The Lord said to him to start driving west but did not say why. Even though he was an electrical contractor and it was the middle of the week and he had a business to run, he was faithful to the Lords leading and started driving. I thank him greatly because this was the beginning of an incredible adventure that is still unfolding. He shared with me that the Lord had appeared to him on 3 previous occasions and spoke to him for about 30 minutes each time. Mathew chapter 5, verse 8 says that the pure of heart will see “God”. This is an example of this promise that the Lord made in His Word! I also remember asking him: what did The Lord look like? He gave a description similar to that which is written in the book of Revelation. We later stopped for lunch. After lunch, he said that this was as far as he would be going  and then I thanked him and we parted company. By this time, I was overjoyed. He offered me some money as I was walking away, toward the interstate which I declined saying  “I still have 8 dollars in my pocket, I’ll be fine”! About a minute or so later I was standing again on the side of I-20, I looked up and thanked The Lord and said: I now know why I came on this trip, I am ready to go home. I stuck out my thumb and the 3rd vehicle stopped, I got in and he took me the full 750 remaining miles back to Tucson! Please make note of the multiple occurrences of “the number 3” which is a prominent number in the Bible! Numerology is an occult practice but we need to understand that Satan imitates and perverts all that God does!  Some examples are astrology which is also a perversion of what God has written in the heavens via the constellations that He created. The story of Salvation is written in the stars! Another example is the anti-Christ and Satan’s unholy trinity which is another perversion of God’s plans.

After some time had passed, I felt led to go and visit my father and see if it would be possible to repair a somewhat damaged relationship. After a few weeks of preparation for the trip back to my birthplace, I decided to take the mountainous route through northern New Mexico via Taos. It was Saturday evening and I felt like reading in the Old Testament. I opened and read 3 random passages and then went to bed. The next morning I went into Taos for breakfast and to see if they had a protestant church. The waitress said that there was one Bible Church so I finished in time for their worship service and that morning the pastor covered all three passages that the Lord had inspired me to read the night before! The Pastor and Elders of the Church asked if there were any that needed special prayer. I immediately went forward and asked for prayer for my father because of his immoral lifestyle so they anointed me with oil on the forehead and prayed for him. After Church, I prayed to see what the Lord would have me do next and I distinctively heard “The Still Small Voice” of the Holy Spirit say “Go Get Him”, referring to my father so off I went.

After arriving it became clear that my alcoholic father was not very interested in reconciling and things soon deteriorated. Shortly after arriving I asked The Lord a couple of questions. First I asked about an old friend’s family situation and what the Holy Spirit told me was proven to be true later that same day. That same afternoon I asked the Lord to heal me and again the “Still Small Voice” of the Holy Spirit said to me that “I was not ready to be healed”. That trip was very disappointing and was probably the cause of me being disinherited but there is no doubt that The Lord sent me on that mission for at least a couple of reasons: To confront my earthly father about the fact that he had totally and completely rejected the only salvation available through the shed blood of “Christ Jesus”, The Lord also wanted to show me that even today a person can be possessed by the Evil One which is something that I would have never wanted to believe about my own father. He was also preparing me for a spiritual battle that had already begun. One afternoon near the end of my visit my father began to become belligerent and started saying filthy things that caught me by surprise, then the strong feeling came over me that I was under Satanic attack. I began to feel terrible and said to my father that it was the alcohol talking so he responded: I don’t care! Then I started walking slowly toward him and he began walking backwards away from me and then it struck me like a brick that my father was “possessed by Satan”. I tried to shake off this thought, I didn’t want to believe it and then the overwhelming sense that it was actually true overpowered me so I exclaimed: You are possessed by Satan! and that very instant, the Satanic attack ended and the most wonderful feeling came over me. By this time my father was backed up against a fence. I had never seen my father show any fear toward me but I now know that it was not me that he was afraid of, It was the Lord working through me that frightened the evil spirit that had control over him!

While back in Tucson now, I began to notice certain interests that my attention was turning toward that I had not previously had any  interest in. This manifested itself in a few different ways. First a young man asked me to travel on a service call to a small town to work on a cash register. Then he asked me to go with him on a winter camping trip to that same basic area with some local children from his apartment complex. These were for the most part fatherless kids that would not normally have a father figure influencing their lives. So even though it was winter I was willing to be a bit of an adventurer, not just with a group of children but to also brave the bitter temperatures. It was because of these experiences in that particular area that helped me to decide later to choose an area near there to settle on and start looking for minerals and to file a mining claim which I still own today. There were other strange happenings that contributed to my decisions as well. I had no previous interest in prospecting, mining or precious metals and this same person also asked me to go into the Santa Catalina Mountains to look at some old abandoned  mine tunnels. A friend  recommended a mutual acquaintance who had a considerable amount of experience with mining and prospecting in Arizona, so I collected a number of topographical maps and asked this person to identify good places on these maps where I might begin my search. One of the maps included the same area where we went camping and I just knew that this particular canyon near there was the place where the Lord wanted me to start my search. Also, It seemed like signals were coming at me from different places as well. When I looked at the newspaper, on the front page in bold type it said “GOLD” because of a large gold discovery near Phoenix. Then I opened the Bible randomly and turned to a passage that mentioned “gold and silver”. Then I looked at a television and it was an old western about gold mining, it was mind-boggling. The second day of January, 1987 I made my move and 5 days later I filed that mining claim which I still own. Soon afterwards the Miracles began!

The next installment is part two!

The changes that took place in my life at the age of 30 sent me in a new direction or perhaps I should say that it gave me direction in areas where it was lacking. It was absolutely beyond comparison with any hopes or desires that I had contemplated previously. I had given up on planning anything meaningful for my life and I was strictly in a survival mode of living. I had absolutely no hope for the future. In other words, I was in the “rut” of a lifetime and with no way out apart from death.

It seems that God allows us to reach the absolute end of our selves before he finally steps-in. Prior to this, we are in control or we at least think so and until we let go of the reins, so to speak, He will not involve himself directly in a way that we can perceive. This is what it took for God to enter into my life and He did it in a way that was mind boggling to say the least.

Why don’t you, whoever you are, give God a chance to show Himself to you and He probably will. That is if you are really at the end of yourself and are tired of falling on your face, not really understanding why you keep making these same kinds of mistakes in your life. You need to finally admit that you are not in control of your life and just give it to Him and say “Take Over, I want to give my life to you”. This is when it is likely to happen for you  and your life will never be the same! There is just one more thing that you need to do: Call on the “Name” that is above all other names, “Jesus“, and He will answer and come into your life and make it “New”. He does not promise that your life will turn into a rose garden but he does make some very specific promises. If you want to know more, I AM WILLING TO HELP. Just ask me.

I intend to add more as I am able so come back later and have a look.

Well, I am back and have not planned what I will say but The Holy Spirit does!

I am living in a small town in the southern part of Arizona where there are many who hate God and because I am a possesion of God, they also hate me! I do not hate anybody, but that does not stop others from hating me and if you truly trust Jesus for your “Salvation” and are truly trusting god for your protection then you need to know that He will protect you but that does not necessarily extend to your property. Actually it really is not your’s. Everything belongs to God and if He wants to allow someone to steel or destroy it then who are we to question Him about it! I am in the midst of a “Spiritual battle” and have even been shot at on two separate occasions by hateful people that want to run me out of this area! But guess what, I am not leaving! I have a powerful God who loves and protects me from their harm, at least to my body. I have had hundreds and even thousands of dollars of property stolen or destroyed by those who hate. I hope that you do not allow hate to reside in you. It is like a cancer that eats away at you. It can cause all sorts of physical problems along with stress which is known to damage the body. I was even intentionally tortured by an ENT Dr. which stands for: ear, nose and throat. It happened last year in october, on the 8th day in 2010. It was absolutely intentional and he even laughed about it afterwards. I have compared him to Josef Mengele who was Adolf Hitler’s chief torturer because he used an electrical machine to burn me and Mengele used electricity as one of the means of torturing poor boys and girls as well as other people! Listen to me when I say that you become a target for Satan when You trust Jesus as your “Savior” so do not be surprised when it happens. Jesus said that because they hated me , they will also hate you because Jesus will take up residence within you through His “holy Spirit”. Just think of the proof that this will provide to you, that you have “Eternal Life” through “Faith” in Jesus who died a horroble death to pay a sin debt that could not be paid in any other way!

The Nountaineer

Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” 

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Arizona USA

Davey’s Space

This is my attempt to share the very unusual life occurrences that The GOD of our universe has so graciously allowed me to experience, even great pain! I will also try to share what HE has taught me through my pain and study of HIM.

The Holy Spirit Today / Spiritual Gifting

Through years of intense study on my own as well as with some of the best Bible teachers available, I have come to the stark realization that I have been “Spiritually Gifted” with the “Gift of Spiritual Discernment”. It is the only way to explain all of the spiritual/supernatural things that I have seen including demons and the Devil himself. I do not seek to have these experiences but I now know that The LORD has allowed these realizations, for the lack of a better way of describing what has happened to me, to prepare me for a great task that he has already began. After decades of spiritual oppression with Satanic attacks through wicked people, in my dreams and in ways that I still do not fully comprehend, GOD has been preparing me for an even greater battle ahead. The LORD has also made great promises to me many years ago otherwise I would not have had the strength to continue with the mind boggling events that I have endured. I am a great threat to the Adversary who is the Devil otherwise he would not be so interested in harming me. This has encompassed the first half of my life to toughen me up for the later stages in my life.
The later stages began at the age of 30 in a very unusual way. It has been an even more challenging set of circumstances than the first half of my life and even harder to describe, although I will try my best to inspire you to believe even unto “Eternal Salvation” if at all possible.
After years of great hardship, both physically and psychologically, The Lord stepped into my life by sending an elderly man who I had just met a couple of days earlier. It was in the evening at a van customizing shop that virtually had no business and an owner who preferred to develop his country western band. This was his uncle. I manned the office in exchange for a place to plug-in my camper van and a place to sleep. His uncle presented himself with the exclamation that he had just had a “vision” about me personally. Even though I had been a believer in The LORD since I was 6 years old, I had not become grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Life had been too intense and I had not found anyone to mentor me from a Biblical point of view. This elderly man said that this, as well as previous visions included color similar to a stop light, red, yellow and green which told him whether or not to share the vision. My vision was green which told him to tell me. It simply consisted of three numbers, 7, 9, and 18, as I recall. He also gave to me 3 airline tickets that were for a flight that was departing in a day or two. I had to make a decision to trust God with this because it was around the holidays and the destination was Baltimore from Tucson and I was broke except for 8 dollars. I prayed about it and then on the next afternoon, I was on my way even though there were blizzard conditions in the Northeast USA and I would be hitch-hiking back. Thankfully, the plane landed at the Dallas / Fort Worth airport for a brief layover. I decided that it would be best for me to start hitch-hiking back from there.
This was the beginning of my choice to start trusting my LORD and Savior in a big way. I did not really have many other choices available and it was time for me to start to follow Him where-ever he led me by faith! IT was because of this major choice that made me became a major target for the adversary (Satan) and he has been relentless except for periods where he tried to get me to let my guard down. My thirst to study the Bible has been ever increasing since then! Great pain and suffering has had a way of  forcing me to focus on Him as well. It has been this great increase in Bible study that has helped me to understand that all of these spiritual encounters were directly related to Spiritual Gifts that The LORD has given to me and in particular “Spiritual Discernment”. I have seen spirits apart from  human beings and have learned to recognized those people who are controlled or have allowed themselves to become influenced in a variety of ways. There are certain characteristics that I will notice after getting to know a particular person. The Devil and his minions are very deceptive so a person (believer) needs to be very careful who they allow into their lives.
There are a number of other “Gifts” that are enumerated in the New Testament. These can be found in 1st Corinthians chapters 12 and 14, 1st Peter chapter 4 and Ephesians Chapter 4. and of course the book of Acts. You can glean other information about the working of the Holy Spirit throughout the bible. It is the Holy Spirit who primarily works within us and “Gifts” us as he sees fit for the edification of the Body of Christ.
I am not prepared at this time to delve into the other “Gifts” in detail because there is still much discussion and many differences in opinion concerning which gifts are still active today and even whether we can have more than one spiritual gift per person. There is one thing that I do know from personal experience and that concerns “tongues”. There are “Cults” who specialize in tongues as well as the Occult and this is straight from Satan who’s people also do this kind of “babble” which is dangerously deceptive. Mediums or those in the “New Age Movement and the Holy Spirit that dwells in all “True Believers”. There are many in the “Church” that are planted by Satan. They are known as “Tares” or false believers who pretend to be “Saved” but are not! To be fair, there are many who truly believe that they are saved but do not understand what it really means to have a personal relationship with our Creator! This group encompasses much of Christianity today! They need to learn how important it is to truly humble ourselves in the presence of Our LORD and truly repent and confess all of our sins and by faith receive the type of salvation that is a free gift and not by any works! As the prophet Isaiah says in his writings that our :good works” are like filthy rags in the sight of God! He will not accept anything except for the shed blood of His Son!


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Arizona, United States
I am amazed by all of God’s Creation but dismayed by all of the evil that has corrupted it ! I have seen God’s hand at work in my life and because I am actively seeking His will, I am also a target for Satan’s attacks and have been attacked for decades! I am willing to share as much as I can to those who are honestly seeking the Truth